
Display cool messages through funny t-shirts

Funny t-shirts by definition are t-shirts with printed messages on them. The message is either in pictorial form or in the form of text. These messages are intended to tickle the funny bone. Wearing a funny t-shirt is considered to be the 'in thing' right now.When it comes to choosing a funny t-shirt, the buyer is spoilt for choice. The user can choose from a wide variety air swimmer of funny t-shirts depending on his taste. Funny t-shirts range from 'in your face' humor to more subtle varieties. The humor on the funny t-shirt can be changed to accommodate individual tastes and needs. These types of t-shirts are referred to as custom made or custom designed. Custom made funny t-shirts reflect the personality of the user, as the lines are chosen by the user himself. While designing funny t-shirts, it is possible to modify existing models or create an entire model yourself. Consider the line 'blondes may be fun but Richard loves brunettes'. Here the name Richard can be changed to the name of the buyer. Designing of a funny t-shirt is a mentally satisfying experience. When you get to see your own words in ink the experience is memorable. Funny t-shirts impose your personality on others. Funny t-shirts are a display of happiness and positive energy, something that everyone is in need of but is always in short supply. Through your custom made funny t-shirt you can evoke a smile from passer-by's and make their day a tad more cheerful.While designing these t-shirts it is important to remember to exclude offensive and vulgar content. These things are not appreciated by certain people and can lead to un-comfortable situations. It goes Flying angry bird without saying that racist content and religious degradation is to be avoided at all costs. You may find the content funny, but the aggrieved party can take offence to it and it can snowball into something big and unwanted. Therefore it is advisable to use 'politically correct' statements in rc air swimmers your funny t-shirt.Political correctness can kill the funny quote, therefore instead of breaking it bend it a bind. Subtlety comes into play here. If you are a words-smith you can easily quote something that at once is both cheeky and politically correct. Consider the following quote taken from a funny t-shirt 'both girls and elephants are good to look at, but difficult to maintain'. The above quote is hilarious and cheeky. It compliments the fairer sex and at the same time takes a poke at it. Females may not take offence to it as the quote compliments them. Therefore the trick lies in subtlety.Subtlety is not the spice that most people flavor their funny t-shirt with, instead they prefer it to be brass and 'in your face' kind of humor. These people go in for arrogant and attention seeking messages like 'I am the boss here', 'hell was full, so I am back'. It is also possible to print simple cartoons or a cartoon strip on your t-shirt.

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